
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Class scheduling system Essay

A.INTRODUCTIONThrough the past year, most of the people ar not comfortable moulding with a computing device, and per urinate better with the report card and pencil administration. The manual musical arrangement works, even if electricity is off, unlike most reckoner setups, and there is no information corruption or duplication, as sometimes happens with chronicle software. One of the disadvantages of manual business relationship system is the get of time most put into it. Because you dont have a computer categories and totaling figures, you must do this yourself. It takes a lot of time to do manual report that it does computerized score system. In this generation, computer is being utilise by industry, companies, schooling, and speci eithery business establishment. They used computer in do their task easier with less times, from manual to a computerized unrivaled.The emerge of computer gives a big contribution to business and education. Ever since, computer developme nt of engine room become a gigantic advantage on the business re gear upd the work intended for human primarily to f exclusively manpower. By using computer reduce the time consumed in recording data, computing transaction and affect information. A computerized system is knowing to perform one or more than dedicated functions is often times with real-time computing constraints. It is in like manner imageed to do some specific task, rather than be general-purposed computer for sixfold tasks. In this regard, the researchers proposed computerized accounting system of C/A+CT college to lessen the works of the accountant. This strike volition develop researchers our skills and ability especially in planning, analyzing and designing a system.HistoryIn 1997, the Cordillera A+ computing machine engineering (C/+ACT), pronounced see-act, took a bow as it opened its doors to 17 wide and eager high school graduates. They were as excited as the prime(prenominal) three (3) teachers Mrs.Gladys Mae O.Garcia, Mrs.Nerisa L. Orodio and Ms Donagil Alipio. Two Technical 2-year courses were offered computing device Secretarial and Computer Technician both supervised by the Technical cultivation and skill nurture Authority (TESDA). On its second year, C/A+CT grow its offering through two new 2-year courses Computer Programming and tie in Computer cognizance. The school population grew steadily and on its send-off Commencement Program inMarch 1999, C/A+CT AND 5 Computer Technician graduates. In June 2000, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) favorably approved the appli9cation of C/A+CT College paving the stylus for the associate in Computer Science to be ladderized towards Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.Geared in the direction as a center for Science and Technology, other course offerings are under case-courses that shall organise the manpower requirement of the Cordillera Region as well as the larger market and even the international markets are being designed and apply for. As a fresh among the Higher Education Institutions HEIs, the Cordillera A+ Computer Technology College looks into the future with confidence that it will make a symmetry to the people of kalinga as an alternative learning center for Science and technology-a school close to home and family, an alternative to the expensive prospect of studying in the prime centers of education such as Metro Manila, Baguio City or even Tuguegarao City.MISSIONC/A+CT College is committed to the offer that cordilleras especially the provinces of kalinga and Apayao be sufficiently provided empowerment for its human resources to break innocent from the insulting and degrading stamp of and backwardness.VISIONC/A+CT College is envisioned as a leading educational institution in the kalinga province committed to developing the total person into responsible citizens brisk to regional and national development.B. Scope and Delimitation of the studyThe scope of the study foc uses on the accounting system of Cordillera A+ Computer Technology college. It only if covers the monitoring of accounts. It arrive ats personnel particularly the Cashier and the Administrator.C. Significance of the studyThe accounting system has a great impact in the school. It has a great help in terms of time management. The significance of the study is to design and to improve the accounting system of C/A+CT College by implementing a computerized accounting system. Through this system, the C/A+CT college will not be hard- up in implementing the accounting procedures because they will send packing minimal time and effort in working with it. The result of the study will benefit the school. It well lessen all manual recordings through by the Administrator and help them produce reliable and accurate report needed by the C/A+CT. The study also benefit the accounting In-charge in locate to process the write up System of C/A+CT in more accurate.D. Objectives of the studyGeneral obj ectivesThe primary(prenominal) objective of the study is to develop and assign a more modernised system regarding the account of C/A+CT. By this study all reports regarding the accounting of C/A+CT will be through in a reliable and accurate format.Specific1.To identify the developed book keeping and accounting blueprints of C/A+CT.2.To determine the types of accounting system by C/A+CT.3.To identify the problems faced by C/A+CT as a result of primary(prenominal)taining out-of-the-way associated accounting system.4.To identify the factors responsible for these problems of maintaining adequate records of accounting system by C/A+CT.5.To develop and analyze a system that is more accurate and efficient in recording and computing the accounts of C/A+CT.6.To make and produce a well designed system that is clear of computing all accounts.7. To design a system that makes work easier and change magnitude manual computation and recording.E. Data Gathering ProceduresINTERVIEWThe resear chers interviewed the Administrator. Researchers used this mode in order to assembly some information that are related to the study. RESEARCHThe researchers were able to understand the existing of accounting system through this method. They designed proposed system immediately also read other books and experiment thesis related to the researchers system.OBSERVATIONThe researchers used this method in order to understand the existingaccounting system.LIBRARYThe researchers used this method to gather additional information about the proposed system. They used books at the library as their basis and source of data.Statement of the ProblemBased on the honoring of the researchers on the existing accounting system of C/A+CT college, they encountered the fallowing problems1. What is the current status of the system?2. Will a computerized accounting system helps the accountant or cashier to make an easy, faster, and efficient way of computations?3. How was the proposed system developed?4. Will a computerized accounting system serves as a user friendly system?Review of related literature correspond to Baysa and Lupisan (2011) defined accounting as a service activity. They said that the main function of accounting practices is to provide quantitative information, primarily pecuniary in nature, about economic entities that is intended to be useful in reservation economic decisions. They stated that the primary duty of accountants is to render services by providing information about economic entities that is measure in terms of money. Accounting is undeniably essential to most individuals. It serves a variety range of place in our society. Many researchers and writers have defined the role of accounting in the daily lives of people in the society. The primary purpose of accounting is exactly to help people make decisions throughout their everyday lives. It provides service to unlike organizational bodies from a small time business to a transnational company.In anot her accounting book, Manuel (2011) gave the definition of accounting as a language that communicates essential information for decision reservation .The author also noted that all businesses have one common factor they all need vital information before making critical decisions. This is where accounting comes in as it plays a vital role in trailing down the activities and resources of a business and reporting back these activities in the form of relevant information. In another literary work, Abelada (2010) stated in one of his books that accounting is introduced primarily for a business enterprise. He specified that the practice of accounting has evolved in response to the need of business managers for relevant financial informationnecessary to run a business effectively and to lookout man them in making short and long term plans or making decisions. F. Methodology of the studyFor the researchers to cope up with a system to be developed, they present an approval letter to the Acc ounting personnel, Mr. Christopher Libunao by asking authorization to conduct the study. Through Mr. Christopher Libunaos approval, the researchers were able to gather the necessary data for the completion of the study.Definition of TermsAccounts means by which a user can access a computer system Accounting is the action of financial records about an organization. Accounting System is an application software that records & processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and trial balance Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better consciousness of it. Computerized Accounting System a software run on computer equipment to record, store and analyze information on financial transactions from indwelling and external operations of both small and large businesses.Data- are determine of qualitative or quantitative variables, belonging to a set of items. dep ository library is an organized collection of information resources do accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. Registrar is an official keeper of records made in a register. System is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements and relationships which are contrastive from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets.

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