
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How My Academic Background Will Help Me

The centerpiece of my college tuition was that it offered me a get to read extensively, develop writing skills and learn to envisage logically, coherently and analytically. I developed and nurtured these skills inadvertently by participating in class discussions, group work and research papers. These tools wee subsequently been useful in my personal and work experiences.The breadth and depth of my college curriculum offered me the chance to take classes that cut across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. The relevancy of such a broad educational preparation to counselling is that it helps let on the horizon of analytical, service and product possibilities. Nevertheless, I was cognizant of the need for me to secure work experience to help ground my education in a practical framework prior to enrolling in graduate school.My choice of management as the area of career interest was not fortuitous. My relentless engagement in extracurricular activities in college and the ins ights I gained helping my m some other in her small business helped galvanize my interest in management teach and MBA education. Hence my interest in a finance and brokerage operations work after college.By virtue of my three-year work experience, I necessitate been exposed to several management challenges and opportunities. Perhaps most importantly, the challenges have reinforce my interest to seek modern management solutions. I am intrigued by the manner in which the various facets of management affect each other including finance, operations, human resources, marketing, strategy and information technology.My career plan has been to seek diametrical experiences by virtue of six-month stints in different departments. In this connection, I have had assignments in corporate finance, brokerage and human resources, culminating in my current spot in back-office operations and settlement.In the above roles, certain characteristics have been likely to me as critical success factors. I have learned that the attributes of teamwork, initiative, reek of urgency and leadership are at the core of success in management activities.In graduate business school, I would seek to explore the intricacies of modern business management efforts, challenges and opportunities. Moreover, I intend to learn more or less the relationships of the various disciplines within management and how their interplay may be optimized to benefit a particular entity.

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